Resonant Coaching Is More Than a Profession, It’s a Calling

June 10th, 2021 by dayat Leave a reply »

There comes a moment in our lives when we are challenged to re-examine who we are, what we’re doing and why. Life events can disrupt our natural flow and announce a need for change; how we listen and respond to this call determines our relationship with the world. It is here we need our energy to support us, as the quality of our energy determines the quality of our response.

It is our response to the call that creates a dialogue where we actively participate in the unfolding toward our purpose. It is within this dialogue we are called to awaken and be in constant conversation with whatever is calling us. Coaches are the facilitators of this dialogue, not only for themselves but also for others. They play a pivotal role in finding the path between two questions; when to lead and when to follow.

As coaches we must also remain in dialogue with ourselves and our energy. Through this we will find our flow that will lead us out into the world to teach, love, save lives, challenge, inspire, change minds, educate, support and ultimately heal.

It is with resonance we invite you to deepen your connection to yourself and others and awaken to the possibilities of all that you can be. It is time to discover how resonant coaching can enable your reconnection toward this purpose.

1. Become mindful in your everyday life. Even in the mundane activities such as preparing dinner or brushing your teeth, be aware of the smells, textures, colors and sensual feelings you are experiencing.

2. Learn to really look at others; your partner, children, pets, friends and work colleagues. Observe every part of them closely during every activity – without judgment. Let go of your judgement and experience only what is in the moment. Be with them – I mean really with them.

3. Cultivate the art of whole body listening. The rumble of air conditioning, honking of a car horn, barking of a dog, an airplane flying overhead – listen to what your life sounds like, listen to your environment. When someone speaks to you, notice the sound of the voice, the tone, pitch, rhythm and pace of speech as well as the words. Don’t think of a reply until the other person has stopped speaking. Stay present.

4. Whenever you catch yourself judging what you see, be willing to let go, acknowledge, “I am thinking” and return to observing with simple presence and attention.

5. Try not to try. Work on stopping your expectation or striving for certain results. Release your should’s. As Yoda said in Star Wars “there is no try only do or not do”.

6. Accept all that happens without judgment. This means putting away all of your opinions and interpretations of what goes on. Catch and stop yourself when you cling onto certain views, thoughts, opinions and preferences, and reject others. Accept your own feelings and experiences, even the unpleasant ones. You are light and shade, yin and yang- get used to the wholeness of you.

7. Know how you feel in every situation. Are you feeling especially good or bad about a situation? At ease or uncomfortable? Is it the people you’re with or the situation itself? Is your energy expanding or contracting? To find out more about what mentally affects you, mentally divide the situation into its component parts, and test out your feelings for each component. Ask yourself in each instance: how does this make me feel?

8. Study the details. In any given situation, imagine you are a detective and that you have to memorize the room. Examine every detail: the environment; all the intricate details in your environment; if indoors, the people or animals there. Look up and down take a wider perspective. Resist your mind’s tendency to fill in the details of an experience into a totality. Zero in on specific things – a vase in a room a picture on the wall-and study every detail. ‘Feel’ into these component parts.

9. Integrate all of your five senses. Pay attention to the smell, taste and kinesthetic feel of a situation, not just the visual and auditory information.

10. Cultivate empathy for others. Slow down and learn how to listen to others and to feel their feelings. After all, sympathy and empathy are critical to resonance they build trust and enable a deeper from of communication.

11. Read body language. When you speak to people, examine what else they’re trying to tell you besides the words. What is their energy saying? Physically? Emotionally? Mentally? Spiritually? Are they aligned? What can you intuit?

12. Develop your intuition. When you have a ‘gut hunch’ or an internal message pops into your head, respect it and act on it. Practice intuiting an answer. Follow your intuition and notice when your intuitive voice is right for you.

These 12 practices raise your awareness and awaken your senses to reach beyond the physical. They allow you to get in tune with yourself and remember how important your energy is to you. These practices will help you to become more resonant in your communication at all levels and especially in your coaching.

Visionary author and resonance expert Jayne Warrilow knows how to unleash the power of energetic potential to achieve breakthroughs and develop resonant relationships for success in business and life. Jayne has enabled top


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